Is Logan Paul at VidCon? No, but screaming fans seem to think so

Grace Stanley

VidCon 2023 got a bit rowdy when a tall, muscular blond man in shades and a baseball cap showed up with an entourage of private security guards and men with cameras. As they entered the premises, there was a lot of chaos. VidCon security guards chased down the group, shouting “STOP!” at the unwelcome guests.

As the man and his posse entered the convention hall, the VidCon guards started to push them back, away from rooms of teens and tweens. Eventually, after a physical scuffle, the VidCon team shoved the intruders near a secluded room. The blonde man disappeared behind the door—as wild fans shouted, “LOGAN PAUL, LOGAN PAUL! You’re my favorite YouTuber!”

Grace Stanley

VidCon is the go-to convention for video creators to meet fans, rub shoulders with brands, and party. It’s littered with marketing folks and companies selling merch, food, and more. Daily panels allow creators to learn more established folks’ tips, tricks, and insights. It takes place in Anaheim every summer, with a new convention added in Baltimore in September 2023.

But sometimes at VidCon, things don’t go as planned. This incident is reminiscent of VidCon 2017—when Paul hid $3000 for fans at the convention and was surrounded by a similar army of security and screaming fans. The scene turned into a full-on stampede as random fans tackled each other to the ground. The appearance led VidCon to discourage unofficial fan meet-ups at the conference. VidCon banned Logan and his brother Jake from the convention due to the commotion they both caused in years past. 

It’s unclear if the clout-chasing, boxing Paul was the man in the baseball cap, but many fans seemed convinced (though this writer is not). His hair was longer than Paul’s in recent photos, and he also looked slightly less … buff. 

Grace Stanley

Still, some folks standing on the sideline looked at me in disbelief, giddy with glee. “I can’t believe he’s here. We have to get a picture,” one man and his wife told me. Others I met seemed unconvinced: “This is clearly a prank,” one said. “Not Logan Paul.”

Security quickly whisked me away as an escort appeared to get the goons out of the building. However, as I trailed behind them as they exited, the Paul lookalike waved and threw up peace signs at people screaming his assumed name.

One guy with the doppelgänger film crew beside me grabbed a nearby fan into his shot, with the fan screaming: “LOGAN PAUL! Finally, some good VidCon drama.”

Anyway, it’s safe to say this will be an exciting convention. 

Paul’s representatives listed on his IMDb Pro page and the VidCon team did not respond to a request for comment in time for the publication of this story.

Update, June 23, 11:32am CT: After the publication of this article, the VidCon team confirmed that Logan Paul was not at VidCon—as we suspected.

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