Kling AI Is Here and It’s Breaking the Internet

Kling AI is a scarily impressive new OpenAI Sora rival
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We were all amazed (and terrified) when OpenAI’s AI video generator Sora was released. But now, in a world of new, shiny AI things, another new shiny AI video generator has been released. 

This time, it’s Kling AI: the new “video generation model” made by the Chinese TikTok rival Kuaishou. But as short demos of the video go viral on X, everyone’s saying the same thing: it’s “breaking the internet”.

Can I use Kling AI?

If you were hoping to use Kling AI to make your own videos, you’re out of luck. Currently, the app is only available as a public demo in China; and even then, there’s a huge waiting list.

According to TechRadar, Kling AI lets early testers create 1080p videos at 30 frames per second that are up to two minutes in length.

As Sora gets ready to take over Hollywood, TechRadar touts Kling as being “the TikTok of AI-generated video.”

Why is this important to creators?

We’ve already seen the rise of VTubers and AI influencers, and if AI gets to a point where we can truly generate anything, from fresh fruit to piano-playing foxes, there’s a chance that content creators might become automated.

There’s also that question of how these sophisticated AI generators were trained in the first place. Did they use content creators’ work? Did these creators consent to their work being used in this way?

Perhaps, in light of this, creators should work with AI rather than against it, but one thing is for certain: TikToks, reels, and vertical videos as we know it are going to undergo a radical change.

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