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Cannes Lions Festival Now Offers a ‘Creator Pass’
Applications for the Creator Pass will open on April 29.
Spotify Announces New Integration With Substack Podcasts
Substack podcast creators can wave goodbye to convoluted RSS feeds.
Streamlabs Announces TikTok Live Integration
TikTokers can now stream via Streamlabs without a key.
Kick’s Creator Incentive Program Is More Confusing Than You’d Expect
‘Nobody really has a definite answer as to how it works.’
Lessons Learned From the Hatsune Miku Concert Flop
The virtual influencer is in her flop era.
What Is GoFundMe And How Can Creators Set One Up?
GoFundMe can be overlooked for creative crowdfunding, but it shouldn’t be.
Eclipse Online: It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worse of Times
The eclipse yesterday demonstrated the dichotomy of digital life.
Elon Musk Flounders in Recently Released Deposition
It’s giving second-hand embarrassment.
Can Gambling Content Be Ethical? YouTuber Brian Christopher Is Trying To Find Out
‘I would have hated it if I was ever responsible for encouraging anyone to play beyond their means.’