The Number of the MrBeast Sponsorship


In early 2024, MoneyLion’s marketing team members started chatting with MrBeast and his brand partnership team. MoneyLion lets users do mobile banking or take out personal loans directly from their app. They wanted to get involved in Jimmy Donaldson’s next venture, The Beast Games, the largest reality show in recorded history.  

“It just made sense when we started talking about it,” Tim Binder, Head of Brand Marketing at MoneyLion, told Passionfruit. “He wants to do the biggest cash giveaway in entertainment history. Why not make MoneyLion a part of that and be able to contribute and have a huge impact on the American audience?”

It was an obvious choice after conversations with team MrBeast and Amazon and learning “how much they were putting into” the show. Binder says MoneyLion knew this was “going to be a chance for us to really breakthrough on a large scale with millions of people in a short amount of time.”

MrBeast has taken advantage of his status as the world’s largest YouTuber with multiple brand deals. His dealings include everything from a toy line to a collaboration with Resorts World Casino in Las Vegas. Though MrBeast’s mascot is a blue tiger, instead of a lion, giveaways for large amounts of money brought the two brands together.

“[Donaldson’s] goal was to be able to do the biggest giveaway in entertainment history,” Binder said. “He was very adamant that we need to give it away. And the way we did that was by making sure that we gave the viewers at home the chance to win.”

MrBeast and MoneyLion eventually made a deal. MoneyLion would sponsor a $4.2 million sweepstakes. Viewers entered by scanning a QR code during episodes of the Beast Games. According to the company, over 1,000 prizes will be awarded to account holders over eight drawings through November.

MoneyLion placed ads with Donaldson all over the country. The ads took over the New York City subway for a few weeks (and haunted my rides with Donaldson’s face). Binder would not share how much MoneyLion spent on the total activation.

However, according to Binder, the partnership has already proven to be successful. MoneyLion says three and a half million people entered the giveaway. More importantly, “at one point,” the giveaway increased their daily active users by 135 percent. “We’re keeping people. They aren’t just leaving; they’re sticking around and watching our content.”



Trump Appoints a Podcaster as Deputy FBI Director

Collage of Dan Bongino and President Donald Trump overtop the seal of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Get started on those taxes

Hard to believe it’s almost tax time already, but for a whole host of reasons you should probably plan on filing early this year. H&R Block makes it easy with audit protection, their Maximum Refund Guarantee, and tax pros who know how to handle creators with lots of freelance contracts/expenses/sales.



To Restore Facebook’s Popularity, Mark Zuckerberg Is Turning To Creators

‘I think that there are a lot of opportunities to make it way more culturally influential than it is today.’

By Charlotte Colombo, Passionfruit Contributor

Mark Zuckerberg over facebook like balloons


UK Families Sue TikTok Over Child Deaths

UK Families Sue TikTok Over “Blackout Challenge” Child Deaths

The challenge involved filming yourself choking.

By Charlotte Colombo, Passionfruit Contributor



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