

Gobble gobble, we’re probably still in PJs and this email was scheduled days ago! Yes, Passionfruit is logging off today for a little Thanksgiving rest and relaxation. 

As most of you know by now, our mission is to correct a flaw in how the so-called “creator economy” is usually covered — from the outside looking in, tailored for the executives, marketers, investors, and tech monoliths who benefit from the estimated annual $250 billion generated by creators’ work.

Our goal at Passionfruit is to help creators take ownership of that power (and a bigger chunk of change) by arming them with news, tools, and resources to succeed. And, hopefully, we can offer some tips to plan for a much-needed break.

Though not everyone can afford to take the day off, and the internet never sleeps, we encourage you to pause the grind and take care of yourself today in whatever way you can. We also want to thank our audience for tuning in and express our gratitude to the creators, fans, and businesses who make being creative on the internet a possible career path. 

So thanks! Now go charge your phone and do something else.


5 Creators on How to Plan for Time Off During the Holiday Season 

Creators are businesses in themselves, and often feel like they can’t take a break. But with the proper planning, creators can take time off too.

By Jen Glantz, Passionfruit Contributor


The Best Time Management Techniques for Busy Content Creators

For creators, it can take hard work and careful planning to ensure you avoid overworking. 

By Rachel Kiley, Passionfruit Contributor

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