Pokémon Disqualifies Artists Using AI in Illustration Contest

Pokemon TCG Illustration Contest 2024
Pokemon TCG Illustration Contest 2024 Pokémon TCG/X

Pokémon has spoken out after AI-generated work reached the final 300 honorees of the 2024 official Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) Illustration Contest.

The annual contest, which began in 2019, gives up-and-coming artists the chance to have their work made into a real Pokémon trading card. To sweeten the deal, the grand prize winner also scoops $5,000 in prize money.

But after the top 300 finalists were announced online, fans alerted the organization that at least six of the entries were AI-generated. 

Several users claimed that these images exhibited tell-tale signs of being AI-generated. This included problems with proportion, blending, and scale. One illustration of Eevee, for instance, has unusual-looking back paws. It also had a background featuring a branch not visibly connected to trees. 

Numerous users also ran AI detection software on the images. One user claimed that it indicated there was a 99.9% chance of these images being AI-generated.

Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest issues a statement

In response, the Pokémon TCG illustration contest announced that “select entrants” were disqualified — but the company was careful not to mention AI explicitly. 

“We are aware that select entrants from the top 300 finalists of the Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest 2024 have violated the official contest rules. As a result, entrants in violation of the rules have been disqualified,” it said in a statement shared to X.

“Furthermore, additional artists participating in the contest will soon be selected to be among the top 300 finalists. We’re committed to upholding the integrity of the Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest and appreciate fans’ continued support.”

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