Insiders Tell Forbes That Political Posts Are Still Troubling TikTok
Political topics are still a cause for contention with TikTok employees.
Apple Told TikTok To Raise Its Age Limit, Court Documents Show
Apple warned TikTok that it did not believe the app to be fit for children under the age of 17.
How Alternative Media Failed to Change Political Coverage
Americans changed their news sources, but not so much their appetites.
Music Promoters Are Allegedly Paying To Put Their Songs in TikToks
On source claimed that ‘TikTok sound campaigns’ make up 75% of trending songs on the app.
Four Lessons Creators Can Learn from Professional Wrestling
Wrestlers are just content creators who can suplex you.
A New Study Tested TikTok’s Ban on Political Ads — It Failed Miserably
‘We were pretty surprised to see that TikTok was doing so badly.’
Unsealed Court Documents Show TikTok Was Aware It Harmed Teens
In leaked messages, TikTok employees appeared unconcerned by negative impacts of the app.