Creators Can Now Opt Out of Special Event Discounts for Twitch Subs

twitch subs - Graphic illustration of the Twitch logo over tiled gift icons.
Passionfruit Graphics; Adobe Stock; Twitch

Twitch has announced that creators can now opt out of most special discount events. As reported by Dexerto, Twitch sometimes runs discount events for fans to buy subscription packages. Users are opted-in by default for these sales. Now, they can choose not to participate.

While this discount made it cheaper for fans, creators are paid less per sub during these events. That is because Twitch adjusts its regular 50/50 revenue split to reflect the discount during these events.

According to Twitch, the increased number of subs during these promotions makes up for the reduced rates. Twitch’s blog explains, “Our analysis shows that these discounts drive a higher volume of purchases and typically more than offset the reduced price. This means viewers get to gift subs for less, and streamers should earn more.”

Now, creators can opt out of most of these events. The one exception to the special event opt out is SUBtember.

In its blog post, Twitch explained: “We consider SUBtember to be a special, longer community celebration event, and as in past years, Twitch and sponsors will subsidize the full cost of the promotion, meaning streamers will be paid based on the full value of a purchased subscription, despite the user getting a discount. This is unique to SUBtember.”Β 

How Can Creators Toggle Off Bulk Gifted Twitch Subs During Special Events?

Creators can opt out of gift sub events through a few simple steps on the Twitch Dashboard.

1) Go to the Creator Dashboard.

2) On the left-hand side, select “Monetization” and then “Subscriptions.”

3) Finally, scroll down and toggle ‘Shared Gift Sub Discounts’ off.

How Have Fans Responded?

Over on X, creators weren’t impressed by the update. Some questioned the point of it, as one asked: “Did anyone ask for this?”

Another echoed: “Why would this ever be a needed thing?” A third added: “Why would we ever FORCE opt out our viewers? I am a bit confused right meow. Why was this even considered to be a thing?”

Still, not all creators were against the idea, as one said they “1,000% approved.”

“It’s not even a topic of discussion,” they added. “Excellent in making it an option too.”

As an option, the power is in Twitch creators’ hands, and it’ll be interesting to see what the favored option ends up being among them.

Further reading:

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