The Stakes Are Higher in Beast Games Season 2 With $15 Million In Prizes

Screenshot of Mr. Beast from Beast Games episode 1 surrounded by $100 bills.
MrBeast 2/Youtube; Shutterstock

It’s not been long since the first season of Beast Games arrived on Amazon Prime. Despite this, Jimmy ‘MrBeast’ Donaldson has confirmed via an Instagram account that casting has begun for Beast Games season 2.

One big change coming from season 2 is the prize pool. The first series began with a $5 million prize pool that was later doubled to $10 million. Yet, based on the casting ad, the prize pool has increased again to $15 million. How very Squid Game of him.

Is Beast Games Season 2 Evolving?

We can assume that other facets of the show, like the 1,000 contestants, will stay the same. However, it’s possible that there might be more radical changes coming to the show. One reason for this is that while Beast Games garnered 50 million views within the first 25 days, it was a critical failure. Its Rotten Tomatoes score is just 20%.

beast games season 2 - mrbeast announces prizes for the second season of beast games

Another reason we might see changes is because of all the controversy behind the scenes. For instance, former contestants claimed they felt “exploited” by Donaldson and Amazon in a class-action lawsuit, while a crew member of the show was allegedly almost crushed to death.

Perhaps Donaldson will take some of this negative feedback on board as he crafts the second season of Beast Games. However, his silence on behind-the-scenes crises and arguably defensive reaction to Beast Games’ negative reviews suggest otherwise.

It will be interesting to see what other ways the Beast Games change this year. With $15 million on the line, the challenges are not going to get any easier.

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