Instagram Edges Closer to the Music Industry

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Meta and Spotify have taken the next step in their relationship, as information about another potential new music feature on Instagram has emerged.

In a Threads post, reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi shared a screenshot that appeared to show Instagram users having the option of “continuously sharing” the music they’re listening to on Spotify. 

Instagram users can already share songs via Notes, stories, and carousel posts. Still, with this feature, users will be able to access Spotify’s much more expansive library instead of relying on the music available on Instagram.

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This is the latest clue that Spotify is gravitating towards being a more social network. Spotify users can already “connect with Facebook” to see what their friends are listening to. Additionally, TechCrunch recently reported that Spotify tested a Community feature that would enable users to see in real-time what other people are streaming. 

As TechCrunch points out, the testing of a feature doesn’t necessarily mean that it will end up going public. But it does serve as a good indication of what the company’s priorities are moving forward.

This comes just days after Instagram launched its “Favorite Song” feature. This MySpace-esque functionality, which tied into the release of Sabrina Carpenter’s new album, “Short N’ Sweet,” allows users to display and play their “favorite song” on their Instagram profile. 

So, putting it into context, Instagram launching another new music feature doesn’t really sound far-fetched at all. 

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