Twitch Launches Instagram-Like Video Stories

screenshots of twitch video stories next to a big twitch logo with other twitch logos in the background
Twitch Video Stories Olga_TG/Shutterstock studiomango/Shutterstock Bagel Studio/Shutterstock lucky_xtian/Shutterstock

Following the launch of text and photo stories last year, Twitch has gone one step further by introducing video stories. As of August 13, Twitch users can now film and share clips up to 60 seconds long to their stories. 

Users also have the choice of how long they want their stories up before they expire. The options are 1 hour, 12 hours, 24, or 48. 

“We know many of you use stories to let viewers know when you’re going live,” Twitch added in a blog post. “Now you can set time-sensitive updates to expire in 1 or 12 hours and use the longer settings for content that will be relevant for one or two days.”

Other changes to Twitch stories

The post also notes that in terms of interacting with these stories, users will be able to “like” them by tapping the new heart icon. Furthermore, by long-pressing on this heart icon, users will have the choice of a number of other “reactions” to show how they feel about the story. 

While the creation of stories will be limited to the mobile app, viewers will also now be able to see stories from Twitch on desktop. 

Originating on Snapchat, Twitch is the last of the major creator platforms to introduce video stories. It took inspiration from Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and even WhatsApp.

Since revamping its mobile app, it’s become clear that Twitch is taking multiple pages out of TikTok’s playbook. But with declining viewership, it will take more than a shiny new feature to distract users from Twitch’s ongoing issues. 

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