Want to Tweet? You Might Have to Pay First

x logos next to person paying dollar bill into vending machine
Remix by Caterina Rose N1chEZ/Shutterstock Legendary4/Shutterstock Augustas Cetkauskas/Adobe Stock

In his latest puzzling move, Elon Musk has announced that new X users will have to pay to tweet. The Tesla founder, who is currently overseeing mass layoffs at his motor company, revealed the change in typically scattershot fashion in a post on X.   

“Unfortunately, a small fee for new user write access is the only way to curb the relentless onslaught of bots.” Musk wrote. “Current AI (and troll farms) can pass ‘Are you a bot?’ with ease.”

Does Twitter cost money now?

So yes, it appears new users on the platform will soon need to pay to tweet. However, Musk didn’t specify when the new fee will start or how exactly it will work.

In a further post, Musk added that the charge would only last three months, after which point users would be able to post for free. But he didn’t clarify whether users would be refunded for the three months they did pay to use the platform, which we can assume won’t be reimbursed.

This change was previously trialed in New Zealand and the Philippines back in October. As part of this trial, new free users signing up for the platform could view other’s posts. But they could not make their own unless they paid $1. New free users were also restricted from liking, replying, reposting, bookmarking, and quoting posts until they coughed up the cash.

In his recent deposition, Musk is quoted as saying that he may have “done more to financially impair” X than help it. So, could it be that this is his attempt to try and get some of that money back? Or is it just another radical and divisive change to the social media giant?

What do you think of having to pay to tweet? Email tips@passionfru.it to share your thoughts.

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