When Clout Comes at a Cost: YouTuber Crashes Plane For Views, Faces Prison Time
The desire for internet infamy gone too far.
EXCLUSIVE: Hbomberguy is ‘Completely Overwhelmed’ By the Response to His Viral Video
‘YouTube is probably one of the most evil platforms in the world because it specifically rewards being terrible and starting fights in a way that is extremely disconcerting for the future of the human race.’
YouTube Plagiarists Finally Get Their Reckoning in Latest Viral Video
Hbomberguy’s latest video has YouTubers questioning the platform and how their work could be stolen.
Livestreaming Should Not Be a Life or Death Scenario
Why creators occasionally die during streams and what we can do about it.
We All Better Get Used To Men Posing as Fake Women Online
Two men have taken pretending to be a woman online to a whole new level.
Disney’s Thanksgiving Post Signals the Company’s Future Endeavors
Many online are questioning if AI was used to make a post on the theme park’s Instagram page.
A Spanish Agency Tired of Unreliable Influencers with Big Egos Made Their Own AI Model—And She’s Kind of Crushing it
Aitana López, a 25-year-old from Barcelona, earns up to $10K a month. Oh, and she’s an AI model.
Neopets’ New Management Wants To Make the Site Cool Again
After years of neglect, Neopets is under new management.