How Creators Can Take Advantage of YouTube’s Relentless Focus on Ad Revenue
Creators are working within a rigged system.
Kick Says ‘We Will Make Mistakes’ in Response to Weekend of Controversy
‘It’s getting embarrassing here if I’m being honest.’
Youthforia Faces Controversy Over New Foundation Shade
‘We’ve come a long way, but clearly we still have a very long way to go.’
Lawyers Are Rallying Creators for a Class Action Lawsuit to Save TikTok
TikTok isn’t the only one who’s suing.
Instagram Is Removing Aggregators From Its Algorithms
‘We think these changes will help Instagram be a place where all creators have an equal chance of breaking through.’
Influencer Party Criticized For ‘1-Million Follower’ Entrance
Fashion companies Revolve and Pizzaslime had a party with separate entrances for less popular creators.
Multiple Creators Claim Omnia Media Has Been Paying Late
The network is accused of missing payments, paying late, or not paying creators at all.
YouTube Shorts Excels in Earnings Report
According to a recent earnings call, YouTube Shorts is doing pretty well.