Twitch’s Latest Viewing Figures Are Out – And They’re Bigger Than Ever

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Twitch Viewing Figures Ink Drop/Shutterstock foru/Shutterstock

Twitch has had a pretty difficult year. Along with its flip-flopping on nudity, the platform has alienated some of its biggest stars and its employees have faced multiple rounds of layoffs. But if the latest viewing figures are anything to go by, the platform has nothing to worry about. 

What do the numbers say?

Key figures for the platform were updated to little fanfare on Twitch’s website. According to the platform, the site has over 80 million monthly users, more than 10 million first-time streamers, and more than 2.5 million users tuning in at any given time.

Twitch also claims that it has content broadcasting in 35 million languages and that people watched for more than 1.3 trillion minutes in total in 2023.

By all accounts, Twitch is thriving — and further statistics from TwitchTracker only solidify that point. According to the site, more than 7.7 million channels go live on Twitch each month, and to date, Twitch content has been viewed for 623 billion minutes. To that end, there are currently 2,437,000 viewers watching streams concurrently, and, on average 99,300 channels are streaming simultaneously.

But as the site faces fresh controversy with the DrDisrespect scandal, will the forecast continue to remain rosy?

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